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  • Ava Cassidy

On The Job Learning

Wednesday, November 3, 2021, was the 27th annual Take Your Kids to Work Day; a national event where grade nine students go to work with an adult and experience first-hand what it’s like at a modern-day job. They learn things like how the employees work, what being employed is like, and much more. This event was created by The Learning Partnership, a Canadian organization dedicated to making sure every child gets a proper education that can, in turn, set them up for a successful future. They want to ensure,

“that all students have the opportunity to become the innovators, problem-solvers and change-makers of tomorrow.” - The Learning Partnership.

Take Our Kids to Work Day began solely in Toronto but now more than 250,000 students participate in this initiative all across Canada. It was founded in 1994 and the day has taken place on the first Wednesday of November since.

Founded two years before Take Our Kids to Work Day, Take Your Daughter to Work Day is the very similar American version of our Canadian organization in which you bring your daughter to work with you for the day so she can learn more about careers and professions. In 2003, boys were added to the affair. It’s now most commonly known as Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day and happens every April.

Children can go with any employed adult they know. Their parents, aunt, uncle, grandparents, cousins and friend’s parents too. Every child receives a different experience since there are countless different jobs available!

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