Our October 2022 Spirit Week started strong on Monday with school colours/school wear, followed by jersey day, then twin day, an awesome throwback Thursday, and finishing the week off strong with Adam Sandler day! Our first extended spirit week branched off to Monday with Halloween Costume day! Cheer performance, Candy Grams, Bake Sale, Pizza, and Dance - oh my! It was the return of Candy Grams; being sold in the tuck shop throughout the week to support Relay for Life, a cancer research charity! On Wednesday, a bake sale was held during high school lunch and pizza was sold during the 7/8 lunch. Finishing the week off strong with a Dance for Downs on Friday afternoon for the 7/8s. Monday in the caf at lunch saw the cheer squad performing one of their routines before the costume contest to see who was dressed the best! Follow @shhsstudco for spirit week and school event updates!
Go Huskies Go!
Rosa Iuliano
Updated: Dec 22, 2022