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  • Julie Labonte

Bi-Weekly Biography

Updated: Sep 19, 2021

Meet Mme. Longchamps. If you haven't already met her, she is a new Religion teacher Sacred Heart this year, but has been teaching over the past five years. If we go back in time several years ago, we end up at Trent University, where Longchamps attended university to get her Bachelors of Arts in French. From there she continued to Queens University to get her Bachelors of Education with a focus in Youth at Risk. This led her to working at an eating disorder center, where she was able to write programs and presentations fo help teens and young adults. After workin at this center for a while, Mme. Longchamps was offered her first job as a teacher and has been teaching students from all different grades ever since. Some subjects she has taught are Grade 9 French Immersion and Core, Grade 10 and 11 Religion, Grade 9, 11, and 12 English and has even taught at elementary schools from Kindergarten to Grade 6. Overall, she has loved every group of student and subject she has taught, but Religion has always been one of her favourites since her teaching career all began after a meeting with Father Denis, a priest here in Ottawa, helped guide her in her career decisions. Interestingly, Mme. Longchamps has actually travelled to many places before this pandemic including Vatican City, Italy, and much of Europe, and even spent a summer living in Slovakia! Longchamps has enjoyed every moment of her teaching career and meeting new people, and looks forward to a bright future in teaching youth.

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